Sunday, April 28, 2024 | 14:42 WIB

The Depiction of Yogyakarta in Traces of Philately


Jakarta, IO – Yogyakarta has an extensive history that has been documented in many media outlets. The image of Yogyakarta is widely captured in written text and numerous objects, particularly in stamp collections or philately. 

Historical traces of Yogyakarta, such as postage stamps, book covers, memoirs, and postmarks, have been documented and published by the postal administration. 

Philately brings back longing memories of the past in Yogyakarta. Its inhabitants have long known about postal services and intertwined their passion for philately and Yogyakarta through the decades. 

Yogyakarta’s postal service is inseparably linked to the city’s economic growth. This city has been immortalized in the form of a postmark during the Dutch East Indies government’s reign, from the Nineteenth Century until the present, in the form of issued postmark designs featuring Yogyakarta. 

Designs of Yogyakarta appear on the Half-Round Franco, Round Franco, Puntstempel, Grootrond, Klein Rond, Vierkant, Kortebalk, Langebalk, and Puntlaveiling stamps, stretching from 1864 to 1942. 

Yogyakarta’s visage was originally printed in the traces of philately on the Moehammadijah series of postage stamps published in 1942 during the Dutch East Indies era. 


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