Friday, May 3, 2024 | 19:56 WIB

Be smart after Eid to get back in shape


Jakarta, IO – Ramadan has just departed, but we should still maintain a healthy life so as not to lose our momentum. After fasting for 29 days, we are greeted with Eid al-Fitr, which is synonymous with foods high in fat and salt such as opor or rendang. After Ramadan, it is hoped that we will not lose control over foods that are high in salt, sugar, and fat. 

In a talk show with the theme “CERDIK Post-Eid al-Fitr to Get Fit Again” which was held in Jakarta, on Tuesday (16/4/2024), dr. Ngabila Salama, MKM, public health practitioner, emphasize our limit consumption of sugar a day to a maximum of four tablespoons, salt to one teaspoon, and fat to no more than 5 tablespoons. “We calculate it as a whole, which means even the fat, sugar, and salt that we use when cooking, is included in that calculation, so it’s not separate. It’s also important to watch your intake of sodas and packaged drinks, which are usually high in sugar. It’s best to drink up to two liters of water per day,” she said. 

Returning to the good habit of fasting, dr. Ngabila underscores how we should regularly fast outside the month of Ramadan. When fasting, the digestive tract rests for 14-16 hours which has a good impact on the body, including lowering blood pressure. 

dr. Ngabila Salama
dr. Ngabila Salama, MKM (IO/Esti)

“Healthy tips for returning to activities after the Eid Al-Fitr can be applied through a lifestyle that we usually call CERDIK, the aim of which is to stay fit and productive. CERDIK from regular health checks, rid of cigarette smoke, being diligent in physical activity, having a healthy balanced diet, getting enough rest and managing stress. Do 150 minutes of exercise per week. Healthy living behavior can reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as heart and kidney problems,” she explained. 

Don’t Hold Your Pee 

Meanwhile, in the talk show “Do You Often Have to Pee? This Is What Will Happen!” which was held on Wednesday (17/4/2024), dr. Rizka Zainudin, Sp.PD, from Sulianti Saroso Hospital, Jakarta, said that holding in urination too often can result in kidney stones, urinary incontinence, or urinary tract infections, especially in women. The bladder capacity in women is 300-500ml and should be emptied every 3-4 hours. 

According to data from the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NKUDIC) 2018, in Indonesia, cases of urinary tract infections are the second most suffered by the public, after respiratory tract infections. The number of cases of urinary tract infections reaches 8.3 million cases per year. 

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“Urinary tract infections occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the channel used to excrete urine (urethra). Bacteria then multiply in the bladder. Even though the human urinary system has been designed to inhibit the entry of bacteria, this defense mechanism can fail, especially if the body is not fit. Symptoms include frequent urge to urinate, pain when urinating, urine becoming cloudy, smelly, or pain in the pelvis,” she underlined. 

To prevent urinary tract infections, make sure you drink enough water at least 2 liters per day. “Apart from that, don’t delay urinating for too long. Also, pay attention to personal hygiene after urinating or defecating,” she concluded. (est)


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