Saturday, April 27, 2024 | 01:29 WIB

IKN Authority head: New capital will have underwater toll road and Disney Park


Jakarta, IO – New administrative capital (IKN) Authority head Bambang Susantono said the city to be built from scratch in North Penajam Paser regency, East Kalimantan will have underwater toll road and Disney Park, as part of its vision to become a smart city.

“There will be several places where we will build an underwater toll road. Why? Because we really want to protect the area’s unique fauna, like the proboscis monkeys, which are protected animal. There are also freshwater dolphins,” he said on Thursday (28/7), as reported by Kompas.

Bambang said the underwater toll road would be constructed in partnership with the private sector and the community. Furthermore, IKN will also build well-known educational facilities. Jakarta International School and Taruna Nusantara have expressed their interest to build a campus at IKN.

“If a person wants to move, there are at least four things he must think about. If he brings his family, he definitely needs educational facilities for his family. We want to attract the best universities and also internationally connected educational institutions to be based at IKN,” he explained.


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