Friday, April 26, 2024 | 07:52 WIB

Avatar: The Way of Water premieres in December 2022


Jakarta, IO – Avatar 2 is slated to premiere on December 16, 2022. Avatar: The Way of Water, is a sequel scheduled for release 13 years after the first Avatar debut in 2009. 

The first Avatar franchise focuses on Jake Sully, a disabled soldier who gets a new opportunity on planet Pandora. Through ultra-modern technology, Jake is able to walk again by transferring his mind and consciousness to an avatar in the form of an alien body from the Na’vi clan. The ability was then used to become the new leader of the clan. 

Now, 13 years later, following the first film of the franchise, James Cameron, the director of Avatar, is more than ready to release the sequel. 

Cameron had stated in 2006 that he would like to make sequels, had the film been a success. He has been working on making one since 2006 and was even ready in 2014. The Avatar sequel was cancelled due to the necessity to develop new technology. A significant delay, due to rudimentary technology had allowed Cameron to finally work on perfection and get a release date for the sequel, which will bring the audience to meet Jake Sully and explore the underwater world of planet Pandora and the Na’vi. 


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