Saturday, April 27, 2024 | 13:49 WIB

The 2023 Culture Fun Run:
DIY Cultural Agency preserves the heritage


Jakarta, IO – The Cultural Agency of the Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta hosted the 2023 Culture Fun Run #1 on Sunday morning (3/5/2023) at Teras Malioboro 2. Hundreds of Yogyakarta residents joined the successful event, which was also attended by the head of the Yogyakarta City Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD). 

The 2023 Culture Fun Run #1 is the first city running event held by the Agency of Culture. Hundreds of participants, consisting of both children and adults, enlivened the event. The run started from the West Entrance of Teras Malioboro 2 at 6 a.m. and was officially inaugurated by the Regional Secretary of the City of Yogyakarta, Ir. Aman Yuriadidjaya, M.M. The running distance was 7.5 kilometers, passing through three cultural heritage areas (KCB): KCB Keraton, KCB Pakualaman, and KCB Kotabaru. 

Aman highlighted each of Yogyakarta’s four cultural heritage areas, each with its own distinctiveness. By holding the running event, the government also intended to introduce the uniqueness of Yogyakarta’s rich cultural heritage, by involving the community, hoping to raise awareness and protect the heritage. 

During the event, Yetti Martanti, S.Sos., M.M., Head of the Yogyakarta City Culture Agency, said that the goal of the Culture Fun Run was to preserve, develop, and use heritage areas as public spaces. 


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