Friday, April 26, 2024 | 14:29 WIB

KSP asks ministers to remain focused and disciplined in assisting the President


Jaleswari Pramodhawardani
Jaleswari Pramodhawardani, Deputy V of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP). (Source: Detik)

In this context, according to her, there are corridors that ministers must not stray from in the discharge of their duties, including prohibitions on making decisions and/or taking actions that may create a conflict of interest which has a broad spectrum, including using their office for personal gain.

Apart from legal dimension, there are also political and ethical dimensions. Jaleswari emphasized that the ministerial position should be used as much as possible to help realize the President’s agenda for the progress of the country and the welfare of the people.

“Not for pragmatic and personal purpose, much less those that may lead to conflict of interest,” she said. (un)


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