Friday, April 26, 2024 | 09:23 WIB

Is fasting safe for pregnant and nursing mothers?


dr. Muhammad Fadli, Sp.OG
dr. Muhammad Fadli, Sp.OG. (Source: Instagram)

No Obstacles to Mother’s Milk Production 

At the same event, pediatric specialist dr. Melisa Lilisari, Sp.A, Mkes reiterates that nursing mothers can still fast if the food that they consume during sahur and breaking fast have sufficient nutrients and water to prevent malnutrition and dehydration. “For nursing mothers whose babies are younger than six months, please consult your decision to fast during Ramadan with your doctor. At that age, babies consume mother’s milk exclusively, unlike older babies who can be given mother’s milk supplementary foods (makanan pelengkap air susu ibu – “MPASI”).” 

As for mother’s milk production during fasting, “Production of mother’s milk when a nursing mother fasts will not be affected, as long as babies can still get milk when they suck on the nipple while nursing. The mother’s own body will also adjust during fasting by making use of the body’s fat reserves. The micronutrients contained in the mother’s milk (potassium, magnesium, zinc) may change slightly during fasting, but it’s nothing significant as it corrects itself when the mother eats again (when breaking the fast and sahur),” dr. Melisa said. 

Babies generally still have sufficient nutrients when they are nursed, dr. Melisa went on. “Nursing mothers can continue fasting if the baby remains normally active and not lackadaisical, and there are no difficulties in urinating and the urine does not become dark colored. However, to repeat, mothers must also watch themselves for signs of dehydration, such as dizziness, faintness, stars in the eyes, or again, difficulty urinating and/ or dark urine. If this happens, the mother must immediately break her fast and consume lots of fluid and electrolytes.” (est)


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