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Four ITB teams win at TSRA 2021


Bandung, IO – Four teams of the Bandung Institute of Technology (Institut Teknologi Bandung – “ITB”) students have been awarded prizes at the Tanoto Student Research Award (“TSRA”) 2021. Tanoto Foundation started the competition in 2006. It is held in various formats, and was online this year. Initially, it was meant as a competition between college student associations, but now anyone can participate. This year, the 10 teams ITB sent made it to the Finals.

Muzakki, M. Afuw Mudhaffar, and Iffatul Izzah became first place winners with their research titled “The Utilization of Passive-System Based PVC Pipe Floats as Flood Detectors: Real Time Early Warning”. Alifa Zahratul Ilmi, Eraraya Morenzo Muten, Kayyisa Zahratulfrdaus, and M. Fairuziko Nurrajab earned second place with research titled “Real Time Sleep Apnea Detector Tool that Monitors Breath Flow Using Non-Invasive Mechanical Sensors to Prevent Risk of Cardiovascular Disease”.

Two teams shared third place this year: the first team was comprised of Ihsan Fauzan, Viona Setiawan, Bilqis Naura Safra, Cynthia Gunawan, and Anthea Jessica Himawan, and their research was titled “The Slime from the Skin of the Common Paddy Field Eel (Monopterus albus): An Indonesian Natural Resource with the Hidden Potential as Alternative Therapy for Melanoma Skin Cancer”, while the second team included Sanifa Fatma Putri, M. Rafy Sarully, M. Insani Nur Alqodri, and Raihan M. Alif, with a research submission titled “BioRaLing (Biofilter Ramah Lingkungan – Environmentally-Safe Biofilter): Safe Sanitation Based on Waste Plastic Beverage Bottles and Used Drums”.

Representative of TSRA Committee for ITB Ibnu Ubadillah reported that the 10 teams that made it to the final had to perform project-related activities, from July. In October, the work of these teams was evaluated. Internal finals were held in November, when all teams unveiled their presentations. The best ones were named Campus Champions and had the right to go on National Level TSRA. “Previous iterations of the competition only had two categories: science and technology. This year, TSRA also held three more categories in competition: social issues, community service, and entrepreneurship,” he stated as quoted by, Monday (15/11/2021).

ITB Director of Student Affairs Dr. G. Prasetyo Adhitama S.Sn,, M.Sn. expressed his appreciation that TSRA, routinely held in cooperation with ITB, proceeded successfully again this year. “ITB thanks the Tanoto Foundation for its constant support of our student character development programs. I congratulate all students who were selected to represent ITB in the National-Level TSRA,” he said. (est)


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