Saturday, April 27, 2024 | 20:57 WIB

32nd anniversary of coronation of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X


IO, Yogyakarta – Wage Tuesday, 7 March 1989, or 29 Rejeb of Wawu Year 1921, KGPH Mangkubumi was crowned the 10th King of the Keraton of the Kasultanan of Yogyakarta, with the formal title of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X. Thereafter, a Tingalan Jumenengan Dalem or Coronation Anniversary is held every year on the 29th day of the Javanese month of Rejeb, for as long as he reigns. Traditionally, the Tingalan Jumenengan Dalem is comprised of several stages, performed daily from the 27th to the 30th of Rejeb: Ngebluk (the mixing of the batter for apem cake), Ngapem (the baking of apem cake), preparing the ubarampe (sacred flowers and items worn by the Sultan and his family for offering), Sugengan (the celebration ceremony proper, wherein the apem cakes are distributed to attendees along with nasi golong dishes), and Labuhan (the lowering of the offerings into offering points, among them being volcanic craters). 

According to the calculations of the Javanese Almanac, this year Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X has ruled for four windus (a unit of time measuring eight years), or 32 years on the Wage Tuesday, 29 Rejeb of Wawu Year 1953, converted to the Roman calendar to 24 March 2020. The fourth windu of reigning is called the Tumbuk Ageng. “Wage” is the name of a traditional day of the week in Javanese culture. The five pasaran or market day names in the pancawara (week) are Wage, Kliwon, Legi, Pahing, and Pon. 

Other than the traditional Javanese celebration held on different dates every year, due to differences between the Roman and Javanese calendars, the coronation is also formally celebrated on 7 March each year. According to common Roman calculations, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X has ruled for exactly 31 years in 2020. Therefore, the Keraton of Yogyakarta will be holding events throughout March 2020, including cultural exhibitions, international symposium, royal artistic shows, as well as the abovementioned Tingalan Jumenengan Dalem ceremony and procession. 

The international symposium, to be held on 9 and 10 March 2020 in The Kasultanan Ballroom of the Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel Yogyakarta, is themed “Clothing and Culture in the Keraton of Yogyakarta”. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X himself will open the event, and the Beksan Lawung Ringgit dance will also be performed by the KHP Kridhomardowo of the Keraton of Yogyakarta for the opening. The symposium brings in both domestic and foreign speakers, including 8 presenters who pass muster for the call for papers attended by 108 academicians, researchers, and experts on Javanese culture. Attendance is open to the public; there is no need to send a paper first. 500 tickets will be made available for each day of the symposium. 100 early-bird tickets were sold from Friday 14 January 2020 at 00.00 a.m. WIB to Monday 17 February 2020 at 12.00 noon. Bundled tickets for two-day attendance were made available at a cost of IDR 250,000.00. 

The exhibition is related to development of batik motifs in Yogyakarta, mostly originating from places outside the Keraton. Each Noble House, headed by their own Dalem-dalem Pangeran or Inside Royal Sons, establishes their identity by issuing their own batik patterns. Pangeran Mardika or Independent Royal Sons further develop their own motifs and patterns. Special patterns are so inextricably connected to specific knights that they cannot be inherited. These patterns relate a long history and reflect the royal culture, and they are being exhibited here too. 


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