Thursday, May 2, 2024 | 07:15 WIB

Gugun Blues Shelter releases “Jingga”, presenting a twilight music that is less melancholic


Jakarta, IO – Gugun Blues Shelter (GBS) is almost never stop releasing a new album every year. However, this time the Jakarta-based blues and rock trio chose to release a single titled “Jingga.”

The inspiration came from the phenomenon of ‘twilight’ which gained popularity in the Indonesian music scene in recent years. As the 1990s generation, GBS wants to provide an alternative to ‘twilight,’ not only melancholic, but also fun and enjoyable.

“Jingga is as an antithesis to the trending ‘twilight’ music which is synonymous with mellow. We want to convey the idea why does life’s worries have to be associated with ‘twilight’? That’s why we create this single with an upbeat tone,” said Gugun, the vocalist and guitarist, at M-Bloc Space, Jakarta, Wednesday (25/5).


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