Wednesday, May 1, 2024 | 19:38 WIB

Revealed: Richard Eliezer’s key testimony that implicates Ferdy Sambo as suspect


Ferdy Sambo IO
Ferdy Sambo, the main suspect in the killing of Brigadier J. (IO/Muhammad Hidayat)

On August 7, the National Police named Chief Brigadier Ricky Rizal and Kuat Ma’ruf as suspects. “Kuat was about to run away but he was immediately arrested,” revealed Gen. Listyo.

Based on the statements from Richard, Ricky and Kuat Ma’ruf, Ferdy Sambo finally admitted his actions. He was later named as the fourth suspect on August 9 on charge of premeditated murder.

Read: Brigadier J finally graduates after 7 years but he would never get to attend his graduation

“FS devised a scenario and made it as if there was a gunfight between Brigadier J and Bharada Richard. Then he intentionally shot at the wall several times to build the gunfight narrative,” he said.

Regarding the alleged motive of the murder, Gen. Listyo said according to Ferdy Sambo, he plotted the murder after hearing the confession from his wife Putri Candrawati who told him she was sexually harassed. However, Gen. Listyo said the motive would be disclosed in court. (rr)


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