Saturday, April 27, 2024 | 13:05 WIB

Chinese Navy assist in recovery of KRI Nanggala-402


IO – The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Naval Forces (“PLA Navy”) has mobilized three of its salvage ships to assist in the recovery of the remains of Indonesian submarine KRI Nanggala-402. Two of the three salvage ships have arrived in the waters off the coast of Bali, on Sunday (02/05/2021). An official written statement of the Indonesian Naval Information Office, the PRC Navy Ship Ocean Tug Nantuo-195 and the PRC Navy Ocean Salvage & Rescue Yong Xing Dao-863, were immediately welcomed by Indo nesian navy ship KRI Layang-635 upon arrival in Balinese waters.

PLA Navy’s support to Indo nesia started with the offer of the Ambassador of China to the In donesian Minister of Defense to provide humanitarian aid in the form of salvaging the sunken KRI Nanggala-402 submarine. “The Indonesian Government gladly welcome this generous offer,” as stated in an official release on Monday (03/05/2021).

The Ocean Salvage & Rescue Yong Xing Dao-863 has a length of 156 meters, a width of 21 meters, and a height of 7.5 meters. It has robot arms, sonar equipment, side

cranes, and rescue boats. The Ocean Tug Nantuo-195 has a length of 119 meters, a width of 16 meters, and a height of 6.5 meters. They both have the capacity to salvage and evacuate vessels sunk down to a depth of 4,500 meters below sea level.

The Naval Chief of Staff Planning and Budgeting Assistant, Vice Admiral Muhammad Ali, stated that these ships have advanced technology that will enable them to perform the salvage properly. “The Nantuo-195 tug is able to carry heavy loads, while the Yong Xing Dao is a submarine rescue ship outfitted with robotic equipment. They are also bringing in a mini submarine and 48 divers to per form the salvage,” he said on Tuesday (04/05/2021). “The third ship, Scientific Salvage Tan Suo 2, is still on the way to Indonesia. The Tan Suo has scientific salvage abilities, wherein it can carry submarine mechanicals, as well as oceanography and hydrography experts.”

For its part, the Indonesian Navy TNI AL is mobilizing expert divers. “We have also prepared our own divers from the Frogman Forces Command, the Amphibian Reconnaissance, the Marines, and the Underwater Diving Office. They are currently on standby,” Ali said. “The Indonesian Navy plans to transport the remains of the sunken KRI Nanggala-402 and its 53 lost crew members in cooperation with the Petroleum and Natural Gas Special Task Force, which will be operating the ship Timas 1201. The ship is 162.3 meters long, 37.8 meters wide, and 16.1 meters tall. It uses a crane with a carry capacity of 1,200 MT, suitable for installing conventional platforms for rescue purposes.” (ekawati)


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