Tuesday, September 17, 2024 | 10:10 WIB

We are all connected: all about heart and vessel intervention


(Source: Sprint Medical)

Interventions to treat cardiovascular diseases are routinely performed in Indonesia. Technological development plays a great part in the rapid dynamics of cardiological intervention innovation, giving rise to procedures such as intravascular flow measure, ultrasonography, new types of stent rings and blood vessel balloons (and their supporting devices and accessories), methods to correct congenital heart defects, the discovery of the “golden period” (the critical period for providing intervening treatments, i.e. within the first 90 minutes within the onset of a heart attack), and many others. 

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Meanwhile, dr. Ismir Fahri, Sp. JP(K), FIHA, Head of the ISICAM 2022 Organizing Committee, expressed the hope that the ISIC Annual Meeting will continue to be a forum where people can exchange knowledge, share experience and expand their collaborative network in cardiological intervention. This will improve the quality of heart and blood vessel treatments and services provided to patients in Indonesia. “Our event was attended by 1,300 participants interested in learning more about cardiological intervention. We discuss topics like heart catheterization, installation of stent rings using the most advanced methods, installation of stent rings in leg blood vessels and aortal vessels, and the performance of percutaneous valvuloplasty to correct heart valve problems and close holes in the heart tissue caused by congenital heart defects,” he declared. (est)


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