IO, Bogor – IPB University held its Outstanding Student Award Night at the Andi Hakim Nasoetion Auditorium, Dramaga Campus of IPB, Bogor, Monday (1/27/2020). This event is a form of appreciation for outstanding students in undergraduate and diploma programs. The outstanding students selected will be guided and prepared by IPB to become contestants in a similar event organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia this year.
In his remarks, Director of IPB Student Affairs and Career Development Dr. Alim Setiawan declared that IPB University had a very good foundation in the selection of outstanding students, so that it is always a finalist in the selection of national outstanding students and always finished in the top three. “We have a principle that everything must be well-prepared; all participants have gone through selection at the department, faculty and university levels. “Coaching will be given at the university level, after which the outstanding students advance to the national level selection,” he said.
One of the preparation programs for outstanding students launched by IPB University in 2019 is Outsco (Outstanding Community), used to prepare outstanding students from Years 1 and 2. Outsco also facilitates outstanding students to continue to excel, thanks to programs designed to support personal development, such as workshops and national and international competitions.
“Achievement is not like waiting for a windfall, but it must be prepared. In this Outsco program, students receive nine months of coaching in the form of workshops for self-development, public speaking and innovation; and mentoring access from 18 alumni of outstanding IPB University students whose enthusiasm, motivation, and inspiration can be transmitted. There is also a final project to be completed. There are approximately 16 skill sets taught, including complex problem solving, decision making, and others,” he explained.
On the night of the award, it was announced that the names of the three students of the undergraduate program were Muhammad Azman from the Business School as the best; second-best Ardella Maharani Putri from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA); third-best Adinda Rana Fauziah from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. From the diploma program, Muhamad Raafi was in first place; second-best Andini D.A. Putri and third-best Raudia Mizahara.
Furthermore, the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs, Dr. Drajat Martianto explained that even though they had been through preparations for approximately one year, over the next four to five months the students would undergo even more solid preparation. “The students have fulfilled the Minister of Education’s expectations, which have complete characteristics, not only academic. Being smart is not enough. In the selection of outstanding students, we set three criteria, namely, having achievements in various fields, excellent works, and good communication skills,” said Dr. Drajat.
“So, whoever is the best, he or she is the best among the best. If they have not won first, second or third place, they can still be considered the best in their respective environments,” he said. (*/est)