Sunday, April 28, 2024 | 21:35 WIB

Preventing peripheral neuropathy for better living


Dr. dr. Rizaldy Taslim Pinzon, Sp.S, M.Kes
Dr. dr. Rizaldy Taslim Pinzon, Sp.S, M.Kes (Source: Special)

A Matter of Touch 

Healthy nerves are important, because they allow you to feel touch and pain, the latter which warns you of the immediate dangers you are facing. Diabetics frequently report suffering a sense of numbness on their hands, arms, legs, and feet; a sense of tingling or zapped or electric shock in the skin. When damaged, nerves cannot send signals from the affected part of the body to the brain properly. “Peripheral neuropathy is a disease called by nerve damage outside of the brain and spinal marrows. It causes a sense of weakness or lethargy, numbness, and pain – all of which affect the motoric, sensory, and autonomous systems. It is most frequently found in diabetics, even though sufferers of other diseases may feel it too,” Dr. dr. Rizaldy Taslim Pinzon, Sp.S, M.Kes, nerve specialist at Bethesda Lempuyangwangi Hospital, reported. 

One of every two diabetics suffer from neuropathy, because metformin, the drug most frequently prescribed for them, prevents them from absorbing vitamin B12 properly. However, certain individuals also suffer a higher risk of peripheral neuropathy, including motorcyclists, persons who work with their hands, or those who maintain a strict, prolonged vegetarian diet. “Peripheral neuropathy is generally caused by insufficient levels of vitamins B1, B6, and B12 in the body. The suffered nerve damage may become irreversible if more than 50% of nerve endings are damaged. Early detection and treatment is necessary. One of the efforts we all can make is by consuming neurotropical vitamin B, which is proven to be effective in decreasing the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy by 66% according to the 2018 Nenoin Clinical Study. This study involved 411 neuropathy patients with mild and moderate levels of severity, 30% of whom are diabetics, in 8 centers in Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi,” Dr. Rizaldy said. 

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The Study shows that consuming one tablet containing vitamins B1 (100 mg), B6 (100 mg) and B12 (5,000 mg), other than effectively reducing symptoms of neuropathy, is also safe for prolonged use by diabetics. “The sensation of stabbing pain, burning pain, paresthesia, and numbness is alleviated by more than 50%. In short, regular consumption of this vitamin supplement reduces the intensity of the pain, and it allows you to have better physical and mental condition because it doesn’t hurt as much, and you don’t feel depressed from the pain anymore.” (est)


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