Monday, May 13, 2024 | 12:53 WIB

In this museum, visitors can try children’s games using VR technology


Jakarta, IO – Sonobudoyo Museum on 6 Pangurakan St., Ngupasan, Gondomanan district, Yogyakarta, has an interactive space for visitors which only opened on November 7.

On the 5th and 6th floors, visitors can try various interactive children’s games such as Jemparingan using VR, exploring history in a virtual tunnel of time, and playing children’s songs, per DetikTravel, Thu (23/11).

To be able to enjoy this interactive space, visitors can buy tickets at the ticket counter next to the entrance. Ticket prices are only Rp10,000 for adults and Rp5,000 for children.

With this ticket, every visitor can enter the old exhibition building, new exhibition building and temporary exhibition building. Before entering the building, each museum staff will explain the rules to visitors.

“You can take photos but you can’t use flash, eating and drinking are also not allowed while in the museum,” said one of the museum staff.

The first building is divided into several rooms, there is a Balinese room which contains a collection of Balinese culture, a weapons room, a shadow puppetry room, a children’s play room, a mask room, a batik room and a Central Javanese room. Each collection is neatly arranged in glass storage.

Coming out of the old exhibition building, visitors will walk through a small gate with a pavilion inside, this place is usually used as a photo spot by visitors.

The new exhibition building stands at the back of the museum, this building feels more modern and luxurious. This building also has a total of six floors which have been carefully designed to make it easier for visitors to walk around the museum.

As soon as you enter, you can see the banquet and events section which displays a large table complete with tableware utensils and accesories on top. Beside it is a collection of miniature vehicles and traditional transportation such as carriages.

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Going up to the second floor, there is a performing arts section which displays replicas of dance and wayang performances. Visitors can also see video mapping of mystical wayang performances. At the top there are also collections of weapons and various batik models.

Turning into the temporary exhibition building, visitors will find the annual exhibition. Currently, the ongoing exhibition is the Annual Museum Exhibition or AMEX 2023. The exhibition, which will run from November 7-December 30, features the theme highlighting the interconnections generated by maritime trade in Southeast Asia. (at)


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