Sunday, May 19, 2024 | 04:32 WIB

Lokanata Museum, preserving the history of Indonesian music and recording industry

Lokananta Museum
Lokananta Museum
Lokananta Museum
Lokananta Museum
Lokananta Museum
Lokananta Museum
Lokananta Museum
Galeri Lokanata 1
Galeri Lokanata 2
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Jakarta, IO – Visitors looked at a collection at the Lokananta Museum in Solo, Central Java. The museum exhibits the history of music and the recording industry in Indonesia.

The place was formerly a famous and historic vinyl record factory and recording company in Indonesia which has produced and distributed countless works by Indonesian music legends such as Gesang, Waldjinah, Titiek Puspa, Bing Slamet, Manthous, Sam Saimun, and jazz maestro Buby Chen. Lokananta is not just an ordinary gallery; it is a window into the past that depicts the glorious journey of Indonesian music.

Its establishment was spearheaded by the Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) director general Raden Maladi on October 29, 1956 as a record factory for the Radio Bureau of the Indonesian Ministry of Information.

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In 2022, the Solo City government began the revitalization initiative. However, it did not overhaul the original layout or structure of the historic building, only focused on the revitalization of the rooms. Now, Lokananta is revived with a new, more modern facade, while still maintaining its historical authenticity. This successfully transforms it as a musical heritage tourism destination for all generations who seek to enjoy the finest Indonesian music in a variety of forms.

(IO/Faisal Ramadhan)

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