Wednesday, May 1, 2024 | 19:55 WIB

The Regional Power struggle Is Heating Up


Jakarta, IO – The recent visit of US President Joe Biden to the Republic of Korea saw unprecedented steps in partnership and is resulting in a rapid increase in bilateral relations. The US-ROK partnership was founded during the Cold War and is thus a relic and remnant of that period. As exchanges developed in the post-Cold War era, the undertone of the alliance was once regulated. However, as strategic rivalry among major countries has increased and the US administration has shifted its focus to alliance strengthening as a key diplomatic policy, the camp confrontation undertone of the USROK joint effort has returned with a vengeance. The US-ROK meeting primarily addressed three issues: 

The initial goal was to improve supply chain and economic security cooperation in fields like as semiconductors, new-energy batteries, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and nuclear energy, as well as to increase foreign investment evaluations and export restrictions on vital technologies. 

The second goal was to broaden security cooperation. They announced the resumption and expansion of joint military exercises on and around the Korean peninsula, as well as the restart of the Extended Deterrence Strategy Consultation mechanism. If required, the United States will deploy more strategic assets to the peninsula. 

The third objective was to improve global strategic collaboration based on common ideals. South korea has announced that it will join the US-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, work with the US to address “digital hegemony,” maintain an open internet, promote democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and a norm-based international order in the Indo-Pacific region, and play a larger role in the Democracy Summit and the Quad. The majority of the categories described above are either expressly or tacitly directed against China. 


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