Wednesday, May 8, 2024 | 20:23 WIB

Indonesian music stakeholders’ positive acts on G20 Presidency issues


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“However, as musicians we never know and do not have access to know how much a streaming platform actually earns from sponsors. Musicians’ income is often very low. This is where we need fairness and mutual benefit mechanisms to sustain musicians to keep working,” said Anggun. 

Iwan Fals emphasized how important to “walk the walk” on climate change issues. Musicians are encouraged to take part in voicing to preserve and conserve nature and the environment through their works. “Our work can influence others, but now it is not enough. Our concern must also be applied in everyday life. This is our job,” he added. 

Read: Indonesia to deploy 12 warships to secure G20 Summit in Bali

While the G20 Indonesia Presidency event will take place in Bali in mid-November 2022, the M20 Summit will be held in hybrid forms (offline and online) at TMII Jakarta. A collaborative musical performance will feature musicians across genres and generations. The musicians will voice to fight for four main issues on the agenda of the G20 Presidency discussion: the global health architecture, energy transition, digital economic transformation, and the food crisis.


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