Friday, April 26, 2024 | 13:34 WIB

ECHO, a solution for limited cancer specialist medical workers


Nurse talking with woman with cancer. (Source: Healthline)

More Oncological Nurses 

As the biggest cancer treatment center in the country, Dharmais Cancer Hospital is naturally the first hub to connect many regional hospitals. Up to 2022, the ECHO telementoring program has been applied in three focus fields: pediatric cancer, breast cancer, and early detection of breast cancer. For the latter, it collaborates with the Indonesian Breast Cancer Foundation (Yayasan Kanker Payudara Indonesia – “YKPI”) to provide health workers and midwives in two Community Health Centers (“Puskesmas”) in the Regency of Tangerang. 

The dr. Sardjito Central General Hospital Yogyakarta has followed the footsteps of Dharmais Cancer Hospital, by serving as the second hub for regional hospitals in the Central Java and DI Yogyakarta region, on 4 November, with a focus on breast cancer. The target for the program’s first session is 70 participants from 11 regional hospitals and 12 subsidiary (“vertical”) hospitals. 

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During the same event, Agus Setiawan, S.Kp., MN, DN, the Dean of UI Faculty of Nursing Sciences, announced that beneficiaries for the UI oncology specialist scholarship program will study in a Master’s Program for this specialty for three years. “We hope that by the time they graduate, these nurses will be capable partners of the oncology specialists in their respective clinics and hospitals. Our target is to later collaborate with other universities, so that they will open similar study programs, which will in turn generate at least one oncology specialist nurse in each province. This will allow every member of our society, in every part of our country, to avail themselves of the services of qualified oncological nurses.” (est)


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