Friday, May 3, 2024 | 04:24 WIB

Siomay named 7th most delicious dumpling in the world by Taste Atlas


Jakarta, IO – After fried bananas and pempek, another Indonesian specialty food is back in the top 10 most delicious foods in the world. Siomay, Bandung’s delicacy, is named 7th most delicious dumpling by the Taste Atlas.

According to Instagram @tasteatlas, Monday (20/3), the online site which features traditional dishes, local ingredients and authentic restaurants uploaded 50 of the best dumplings in the world. The number one is Guotie from China, followed by Koleunai from Poland and Manti from Turkey.

Siomay even managed to beat popular dumplings such as Shangjian Mantou from China and Gyoza from Japan which rank 8 and 9, respectively.

Siomay is often served with or without wonton skin. The texture is rather chewy and feels very tasty due to the fish flavor. Some are filled with chicken and shrimp, showing its diversity.

Read: Pempek named as fourth tastiest processed seafood in the world by Taste Atlas

The food can be easily found in Indonesia. It is usually sold by street vendors and at restaurants or eateries. It is usually served with cabbage, potatoes, tofu and savory peanut sauce with a sweet and slightly spicy taste. (un)


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