Saturday, May 4, 2024 | 20:04 WIB

Self-Care Has No Gender


IO – In recent years, the world of beauty, especially skincare & body care, is in great demand by the public, and a lot of people are talking about it. The reason is that body care & skincare are in fact no longer an additional need but also a basic need that has since become a lifestyle. But the specter of the world of beauty must be very closely related to women, so that many men are feeling embarrassed to get involved, even just interested in the term of “doing a self-care”. But even so, do you men need to do skincare? Yes, you know it! of course, the answer is you guys need it.

Taking care of yourself does not depend on your gender, since all human beings certainly need to take care of their bodies. As we work in the beauty industry, we appreciate anyone who takes care of their skin. Gladly we have found two gentlemen with jobs that we commonly hear about, but do not hesitate to engage in a skincare routine & treatments. Please meet Gerald & Adit. Gerald is a young entrepreneur whose activities are quite tight, while Adit is quite famous as a finalist in the cooking talent show “Master Chef Indonesia” season 7. First, we talked with Gerald, while we met Gerald at Dermiére Clinic, while he’s doing his routine Vitaboost Treatment. He told us that he maintains his health by routinely doing Vitaboost treatment because he has high mobility in his work life, so he is often attending meetings or just engaging in activities outside the home, especially during a pandemic like the current one. For his skincare, Gerald uses products from Neostrata.

Not so different from Gerald, Adit also entrusted his skin treatment to Dermiére Clinic; he was doing Korean Fresh Facial & Pico Laser Treatment when we met him at that moment. Adit told our team that he needs treatment to clear up his face since he works in a room full of smoke – his kitchen; his hobby, which is motorcycling also contributes to dirt in his skin.

Well, regardless of our gender, we know the fact is that we live in a big city, and we know how dirty our face can get after a few minutes outside. I don’t think you gentlemen want to nurture those specks of dirt and bacteria in your face for years and years. We honestly suggest you try some routine at least to clean your face with a proper facial cleanser. But if you want something more advanced, since we all know by years our skin loses its health & its condition degrades, starts looking shaggy, some wrinkles appear, fine lines, dark spots & aging, we recommend you come and visit our clinic for a consultation, so our professional doctors can recommend what’s best for your skin, such as laser, Botox, filler, vitamin injections, and many outstanding treatments & product. So, guys, it’s already 2021  what’s  holding  you  to  do some self-care to yourself? Let’s break the old-lame barrier because gentlemen need self-care too.

P.S., for all women reading this: We recommend you to encourage your man to start up a self-care routine!


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