Friday, May 3, 2024 | 18:23 WIB

UNS students and Carakan Boardgame, promoting local culture


IO, Solo – Five students of the Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta have once more engraved an achievement, this time at the international level, successfully bringing home a Bronze Medal from the Singapore International Invention Show, in May 2020. Abyan Ajrurrafi Syauqi from Communication Science Study Program, Muhammad Dani Mulyawan from Statistics Study Program, Roisatul Khoiriyati from Agricultural Extension & Communication Study Program, Tasya Ayu Oktayana from Javanese Language Education Study Program, and Ananto Eko Pambudi from Animal Husbandry Study Program comprised the winning team. 

Abyan Ajrurrafi Syauqi expressed his gratitude and happiness after successfully raising the name of UNS to an international level. “We are really grateful for being able to contribute to the list of achievements as well as proving that we can live up to the reputation of the alma mater. Even though with the limited condition due to the ongoing pandemic, we are grateful for having been given the opportunity to engrave an achievement. Honestly, this has been one of my dreams since becoming a university student,” Abyan revealed when interviewed by on Friday (5/6/2020). 

Registration for the competition took place in February and was conducted online; the results were announced on May 15th, 2020, through the website The innovation they proposed is an application and Carakan Boardgame that, hopefully, can be used to promote Indonesia and to protect local culture. Carakan itself is Javanese traditional scripts that developed in Java, especially Central Java, Yogyakarta, and East Java. 

“The Carakan is packed in two types of game, the board game of flashcard and application. The flashcard type can be used as a media for a family gathering, school learning media, and as a board game for joint games in public places when gathering with friends. The second form of Carakan is a game application that facilitates mobile phone users in learning Javanese script,” explains the student who currently is in his 6th semester. 

In this current era of modernization, normal branding is not enough to increase public interest; therefore, they choose to introduce the application and boardgame. Abyan hopes that the achievement made by his team can encourage other people or students to work under any conditions. 

“We hope that our work can help to introduce the Javanese script that has been abandoned by many young people. Moreover, in the long term, we hope that Javanese script can attract an international public to study it,” conclude Abyan. (*/est) 


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