Tuesday, April 30, 2024 | 18:24 WIB

Looking to climb Mount Everest? Now you have to rent electronic tracker


Jakarta, IO – The Nepalese government announced new requirements ahead of the 2024 Mount Everest climbing season. One of them is that climbers must rent and use a tracking device during the climb.

Nepal Tourism Office director Rakesh Gurung said that the tracking device could shorten search and rescue time should an accident occur, per Detikcom, Wed (6/3).

To use the device, a climbers is required to pay around Rp157,000 (Rp253,000). The chip will later be sewn into their jacket.

Rakesh explained that after the climb was completed, the European-made chip has to be returned so it can be reused.

In addition, climbers are required to prepare funds to rent equipment in the form of food and additional oxygen. Thus, climbing Mount Everest currently requires a total cost of around US$35,000 (Rp550 million).

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In 2023, Nepal issued 478 climbing permits. A total of 12 climbers were declared dead and five others missing.

In early February, Nepal also implemented new rules spelling that climbers have to carry their own feces home because recently the mountain has begun to emit foul stench. (un)


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