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Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani; One thousand cellphones on Pertiwi Indonesia’s birthday


IO – Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani, founder and advisor of Pertiwi Indonesia, is happy that the Foundation is now two years old and can contribute to the country. 

On the second anniversary, Pertiwi Indonesia provided 1,000 cellphones to elementary, middle, and high school students in Jakarta and surrounding areas (Jabodetabek) to help them follow the online learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. Apart from Jabodetabek, units were handed over in several areas in Eastern Indonesia, as well as other areas in Indonesia, such as Samosir Island. 

The provision of the learning tools was symbolically held in Jakarta, Saturday, November 21 by Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani. 

“Pertiwi Indonesia is an association of Indonesian women exploring their potential, increasing and sharing knowledge to advance themselves, fellow women, society and automatically the country and nation,” said Putri Kus, who is also a member of the Presidential Advisory Council in her remarks at the anniversary ceremony. 

Symbolically, Putri handed over her cellphone to Frida Putri Dania, a grade 6 student at SDN Margahayu VIII, Bekasi, West Java. Frida is the oldest child from a poor family. Her father worked as an online motorcycle taxi driver while her mother could not work because she had to care for her second child who suffered from acute heart problems. Despite having to wait for her father to come home from work to be able to study online or have to borrow a neighbor’s cellphone, Frida still does well in class by ranking second in her school. 

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic atmosphere, the event took place while implementing strict health protocols by conducting a rapid test for all the guests present. 

During this Covid-19 pandemic, Pertiwi has helped medical personnel and people in need. Various pieces of training and webinars were held, such as the development of Micro-Small-Medium-Enterprises, education, culture, and the latest topics that can inspire women to solve various problems during a pandemic. 

Companies and communities that help Pertiwi include Mustika Ratu, CIRI, Cavotec, 686 Alumni, Ika Teladan, Taruna Bakti 86, Dharma Pertiwi, Institut Indonesia, and other donors. 

In appreciation of the many activities of Pertiwi Indonesia, Grace Batubara, the wife of the Minister of Social Affairs, expressed her gratitude, because Pertiwi has collected data on citizens who are still in dire need of assistance, including those affected by Covid-19. 

“Their enthusiasm will continue to resonate for a better Indonesia. Thank you for helping the Ministry of Social Affairs to be present everywhere. Hopefully, Pertiwi will continue to care for and build our country,” said Grace. 

Attending the second anniversary of Pertiwi Indonesia Nurmala Kartini Sjahrir (Indonesian Pertiwi Honorary Council), Sidarto Danusubroto (Indonesian Pertiwi Honorary Council) and Miranda Gultom as a member of the Indonesian Pertiwi Advisory Board, Chair of the Indonesian Pertiwi education sector, Anggia Tjaja, as well as the Central Executive and Branches Chairpersons from Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi, South Tangerang, Depok, as well as the donors who have been actively helping Pertiwi Indonesia. 

Operational Head of Pertiwi Indonesia Shinta Omar explained that during the seven months of this pandemic, Pertiwi had run a donation program of medical devices and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to 45 hospitals and 70 clinics (Puskesmas). Pertiwi also distributed 22,000 packages of basic food assistance from the President in 15 days in Jabodetabek, and now what is continuing is the Cellphone Program for needy students. (rp)


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