Wednesday, May 8, 2024 | 19:54 WIB

UIN Jakarta Junior Journalist Class AJI best five nominee


IO, South Tangerang – The Junior Journalist Class from DNK TV UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta came out as one of the five best work nominations at the student press competition held by the Indonesian Independent Journalists Alliance (AJI), Monday (8/10/2020). DNK TV is a forum for students of the Faculty of Da’wah and Communication Science of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta to apply knowledge in the fields of broadcasting, journalism and da’wah into a real-life work environment. 

The competition received 137 journalistic submissions of campus press from various regions, including Jakarta, Malang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta and Makassar. Journalistic projects make use of multiplatforms, ranging from print, online, podcast and video media. The themes raised also vary, not only to problems on campus, but also problems faced by the community, such as land conflicts, educational issues, evictions, to the Covid-19 pandemic. Assessment criteria cover the strength of the concept, content, and presentation. 

The Junior Journalist Class is a journalist education community for children around the coastal coast of Cilincing, North Jakarta. Junior Journalist Class was founded by Syamsudin Ilyas in 2015. However, due to obstacles suffered by the team, Junior Journalist Class couldn’t start running until 2018. They learn journalistic material such as basic 5W + 1H writing techniques, reporting, photography techniques and teaching participants to go into the field to practice the material being taught. 

Junior Journalist Class producer Maesa Rani Cahyani, who won the favorite nomination, is very grateful for this achievement. “Alhamdulillah, this award can be an achievement in the future for all of us, DNK TV in particular, to continue to learn and give the best for future works,” she said, as quoted by Public Relations of UIN Jakarta, Thursday (8/13/2020). 

Maesa also hopes that Junior Journalist Classes will always be a forum for children who want to learn to explore journalistic activities, and the local government will devote more attention, so that these activities can take place more comfortably and pleasantly. With this achievement, she also wants her friends at DNK TV UIN Jakarta to be more productive. According to what AJI said, the student press must be loyal to the line of struggle, side with humanity and voice the interests of those who can’t speak up for themselves. (est) 


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