Jakarta, IO – The Kemayoran Complex Management Center (Pusat Pengelolaan Komplek Kemayoran – “PPK Kemayoran”) has initiated discussions with its public and private partners in the Kemayoran area on how to improve public services, and how to turn Kemayoran into what is known as a “Smart City”. The “PR Collaboration for Building the Brand Reputation and Institutional Collaboration in the Kemayoran Area” PR Gathering is a forum meant to create synergy among stakeholders and turn the area into a high-quality locale. Some 200 participants, representing 50 government agencies and companies, took part in the discussion.
PPK Kemayoran President Director Medi Kristianto stated that the PR Gathering is intended to be a key effort in establishing good relations between PPK Kemayoran and its government / corporate partners. “This kind of meeting and discussion is very important to create effective communication channels, share information, and formulate a common objective. It is crucial for improving the service level and reputation of Kemayoran Area as a developing Smart City. This is an important step taken by the PR division of all the agencies and corporations here in Kemayoran,” he said.
Meanwhile, PPK Kemayoran Director of Planning and Construction Biwodotomo Witoradyo concurs that the Public Relations Gathering is a forum for PPK Kemayoran’s announcement of its various achievements, as the Area Management: “We constantly innovate and improve the various aspects of zoning and construction in the Kemayoran Area. We are focusing on new facilities that improve the neighborhood, including projects like ‘Kemayoran Terang’ (‘Bright Kemayoran’, improving the lighting of the area for safety, beautification of the area, and the construction of a wastewater processing installation in the Utan Kemayoran urban forest area,” he said.
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The event had a sharing and lecture session for discussing business networking, collaboration opportunities, and digital branding & communication strategies in social media. These are relevant, practical discussions for both government and corporations. The lecturers were reputable PR consultant Firsan Nova and Ministry of Finance PR practitioner Farchan Noor Rachman, the event being moderated by General Chairman of the Indonesian PR Corporations Association Jojo S. Nugroho. The closing ceremony, performed by the Board of Directors of PPK Kemayoran and witnessed by its Kemayoran Area management partners, symbolized joint commitment. (des/ast)