Jakarta, IO – Law and Human Rights Ministry (Kemenkumham) has officially extended the validity period of passports from five to ten years as per ministerial regulation 18/2022 on the amendment to Kemenkumham regulation 8/2014 on ordinary passports and travel documents in lieu of passports (SPLP), CNN Indonesia reported on Friday (30/9).
The regulation comes into force on the date of its promulgation, September 29. The passport will only be granted to Indonesian citizens who are 17 years old or already married. The validity period of an ordinary passport for a child with dual nationality must not exceed the age limit for the child to declare his/her citizenship.
For Indonesian citizens who are domiciled or are in the territory of Indonesia, an ordinary passport application can be submitted to the Immigration Office by filling in the application from and attaching required documents, which include identity cards (KTP), family cards (KK), marriage certificates, diplomas or baptism certificates.