Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 11:31 WIB

Envisioned as education center, KCBN Muarajambi begins to be revitalized


Jakarta, IO – The government through the Education, Culture, Research and Technology Ministry (Kemdikbudristek) started the museum revitalization project in the Muarajambi National Cultural Heritage Area (KCBN), Thursday (6/6).

The inauguration was marked by the groundbreaking and the traditional Tegak Tegak Sako ceremonies led by eight village chiefs in the area in Danau Lamo village, Maro Sebo district, Muaro Jambi regency, Jambi, per Katadata.

Kemdikbudristek Culture director general Hilmar Farid stated that KCBN Muarajambi is the largest Buddhist Kingdom-era site in Southeast Asia covering a total area of ​​3,981 hectares. This rejuvenation project is the largest of its kind after Borobudur Temple in 1973.

Hilmar said that the revitalization of KCBN Muarajambi as a center for education and strengthening the ecosystem through an intangible people’s economy would later contain various artifacts and findings such as inscriptions, andesite statues, gold crafts, and even Chinese ceramics obtained from excavations in the site.

“All the findings obtained so far are kept at the Cultural Preservation Center. When the museum is built, the collection will be moved here,” said Hilmar.

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KCBN Muarajambi was designated as cultural heritage in 2013. This site is located in eight villages around the Batanghari River system which provides a lifeline for villages along its bank.

In this revitalization project, at least four temple sites were restored, namely Katomahligai Temple, Parit Duku Temple, Manapo Square, and Sialang Temple. The restoration has been carried out since March and is targeted for completion in September this year. (un)


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