Thursday, May 2, 2024 | 19:28 WIB

Luweng Jomblang, light in the belly of a cave


IO – Gunungkidul is well-known for its caves. If you are satisfied playing on the beach, you better decide to test your adrenaline in Luweng Jomblang; the location is not far from Pok Tunggal Beach, only about 40 minutes to Luweng Jomblang or Jomblang Cave. 

Jomblang Cave is a vertical cave that has dense ancient forests. It has an interesting natural charm, especially for those who like adventure or challenge. Goa Jomblang Tourism can challenge you to take tours that certainly spur adrenaline. 

Its main attraction is the barrenness of the Gunungkidul karst which captures celestial light that descends perpendicularly and penetrates the darkness of the cave. 

In this basin with a diameter of about 50 meters, the ancient forest grew very green. This is so in contrast with the dry and hot surface conditions typical of karst hills. Various ferns, mosses, shrubs, until large trees grow densely. 

Forests whose vegetation is very different from the conditions on the surface are often referred to as ancient forests. This vegetation continues to breed and live until now so that the atmosphere in Luweng Jomblang will feel so cool and fresh. 

Jomblang Cave is a package with Grubug Cave. In Goa Grubug that is known as the “heavenly light” or Ray of Light down from the cave pit covered with trees that hit the white stone that comes from water droplets on the ceiling of the cave for thousands of years. You can enjoy this heavenly light perfectly when the sun is shining brightly between 10:00 to 13:00 WIB. 

Next, you will move to Luweng Grubug by entering the mouth of the cave. Jomblang and Grubug are connected by a corridor with a length of 300 meters, and along the way you can see a variety of beautiful ornaments that adorn this hallway. 

I just call it a cave, so the main activity you do at this place is caving. There are several paths to enter Jomblang Cave. The height of the line varies from 40 – 80 meters. One of the most frequently used lanes is the VIP line. This path is divided into 2 types, the first 15 meters in the form of slopes that can be traversed by foot, the next 20 meters down the rope trajectory. Especially for cavers who have been trained, they will usually enter from Grubug Cave with a track up to 90 meters high. After arriving at the bottom of Jomblang, you have to trek in damp cave passages up to 300 meters to meet the heaven’s light. But believe me, all your fatigue will pay off when you meet the light. 

Like it or not, you still have to rappel if you want to enter Jomblang. Believe me, even though it looks scary, but the activity of hanging on a rope at a height of tens of meters from the ground will be an unforgettable experience. As long as you use complete equipment and following safety standards, you don’t need to worry. Even when riding you must use the SRT or single rope technique. 

If this is your first time acquainted with this rope and caving tools, you don’t need to worry! The instructor will teach you how to use it. Usually, before caving begins there will also be an SRT crash course. But if there are a lot of visitors or all of them are laymen in the world of caving, hauling techniques will be used. You just sit in your harness, and people will pull you up from above. (Pramitha Hendra)


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