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Bisolvon breaks MURI Record with most participants in “Smart Action to Beat Coughs”


 IO, Jakarta – In regards to celebrat­ing World Pharmacist Day, which falls on September 25, 2019, Bi­solvon, as one of the trusted cough medicine brands in Indonesia for more than 45 years2, today man­aged to break the record of the In­donesian Record Museum (MURI) for the largest number of “Smart Action to Beat Cough” Education Participants, in an event attended by more than 7,000. Besides ed­ucation, a range of other activities included Zumba, fun aerobics and talk shows.

Until today, the community often encountered various prob­lems regarding the use of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, including the lack of understanding of appro­priate and rational drug use. One of the most common complaints is the problem of coughing. Con­sumers are also confused about how to distinguish coughing with what is considered as phlegm and what is considered as non-phlegm coughs. They also have to choose the right medicine from among the many cough medicines on the market.

Therefore, pharmacists play an important role in providing educa­tion to consumers regarding the use of appropriate drugs. This is in line with the theme of the World Pharmacists Day, namely “Safe and effective medicines for all”.

Randy Fransiscus, Brand Man­ager of CHC Sanofi Indonesia, said that as a form of Bisolvon’s com­mitment to improving the quality of Indonesian family health and in commemoration of World Pharma­cist Day, they held a “Smart Action to Beat Coughs” event. This initia­tive aimed to educate the public about the important role of phar­macists in providing consultation to consumers regarding OTC products and how to cure coughs, especially phlegm coughs.

“This activity is also one of our forms of appreciation for pharma­cists who have helped consumers to choose the right phlegm cough medicine for Indonesian families. Bisolvon is very proud to receive an award from MURI for breaking the record for the most educational participants in ‘Smart Action to Beat Coughs’. “We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the participants who took part in today’s activities. This shows the immense amount of support from the community for pharmacists in Indonesia. We hope that today’s ac­tivities can be conveyed further to more families in Indonesia,” Randy said.

Dra. Renni Septini, Apt, MARS., Representative of the Regional Administrators of the Indonesian Pharmacist Association (PD IAI) said Pharmacists have extensive knowledge about the pharmaceu­tical industry in terms of making medicines. “Therefore, we have the responsibility to guarantee access to medicines and their proper use, increase compliance, and more. Medication must also be used wise­ly and in the right dosage, including the proper method for storage and disposal. We also greatly appreciate Bisolvon’s initiative which orga­nized today’s activities, so that the Indonesian people will know about the right OTC medicine for a cough with phlegm, “said Renni.

On the same occasion, Nirina Zubir, Celebrity & Healthy Family Influencer, also explained the im­portance of maintaining personal health as a person who has various activities and also as a mother of two children. “When I suffer from cough, I lose precious family mo­ments and can’t get the most out of my work. Therefore, it is import­ant for me to immediately cope with phlegm coughs. When coughing, I often get confused about how to choose the right medicine. However, thanks to the help of pharmacists, I came to know how to choose the right cough medicine. First, make sure the cough medicine is regis­tered with BPOM. Second, make sure the drug is tested for its ef­fectiveness and is recommended by health experts. In fact, Bisolvon has always been a solution for me and my family. Moreover, Bisolvon consists of various practical ele­ments that are suitable for use by the whole family,” she said.

Damian Awan Raharjo, Se­nior Manager Representative from MURI, also shared his appraisal of the event. “I really appreciate Bisol­von’s initiative and also the enthu­siasm of the participants present in improving the quality of better health by fighting coughs with phlegm. Today, I formally announce that Bisolvon has broken the MURI record, with the highest number of participants in the ‘Smart Action Defeat Cough’ Education, which numbers 7,322. Today’s record is expected to be a new step and mo­tivation to continue to support the health of every Indonesian family. We hope that with today’s activity, every parent in Indonesia can be motivated further to provide the best OTC cough medicine choices for their families,” he said.

On the same occasion, Adis­ti Nirmala, Head of Marketing for Consumer Healthcare at Sanofi In­donesia, said that this achievement would be a motivation for Sanofi In­donesia in providing the best health solutions to the community. “In ad­dition to innovation and products, Sanofi Indonesia, through Bisolvon, is also committed to providing use­ful knowledge for pharmacists and the wider community in choosing the right medicine for coughs with phlegm. This is in line with Sa­nofi’s mission to increase public awareness to prioritize and care for self-care in daily life, including curing coughs with phlegm. We be­lieve that consistent health care for themselves can contribute signifi­cantly so that everyone in the world can live healthier and lead more meaningful lives,” she said.


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