Sunday, May 5, 2024 | 18:50 WIB

Dining from a healthy food menu in Burgreens


IO – Ideas and Business Opportunities can come from anywhere. Just look at Helga Angelina and Max Madias. Departing from everyday life as vegetarians, they created the restaurant that suits their lifestyle. Through Burgreens Resto which was opened in November 2013, they presented various foods and beverages from organic materials. The healthy lifestyle that has become the trend over the last few years made Burgreens Resto welcome the wisdom of organic food. Moreover, this restaurant also serves vegetarians.

“The love of healthy foods and desire to live healthy is the beginning for us that gave us the idea to build Burgreens Resto,” said Helga, graduate of international communication, Arnhem Burgreens School, the Netherlands.

HELGA’s love for healthy foods started from her personal experience, since she was small, Helda suffered hemorrhoids and continued to consume chemical drugs, the side effects of her routine caused Helga to suffer from kidney infections and liver problems. This, made Helga research other alternatives that could replace chemical drugs. Eventually, Helga tackled her illness through food combination technique by becoming a vegetarian, through self-healing and acupuncture. This has made Helga’s love for healthy foods greater. In order to open Burgreens for the first time, Max chose the regema area, Tangerang Selatan, as a location.

When the menu offered was accepted by the audience, he then had a branch in the Tebet area. Over time, Max was finally able to open his dining place in Menteng area. Now, Burgreens is spread over Jakarta’s views such as Pacific Place, Dharmawangsa, Pondok Indah Mall, and till Breeze BSD Tangerang. The development of various foods of instant foods ready for consumption or fast food in Jakarta, making the owner aware of the condition, and choosing to present a type of fast food which is of course healthy and different from other fast food restaurants. The menu like the burger is an inspiration to max to provide the name of the dining named by Burgreens.

“Usually the burger is tasty, the presentation is very fast, and fit for the city. Second, it is greens that symbolizes healthy, vegetables, vegetable-based, eco-friendly, and so on. If we go into these two words, we want to provide fast food, healthy, made of vegetables,” he said.

Max admits the Burger menu to be a favorite food at its elected place for four years running. One of them, the Mini Trio which is a fast-fast agent of Burgreens attractions that three small burgers, salads, and crispy upper punish. A set of mini trio contains three small burgers and has three different flavors. Although it does not consist of chicken or cow meat, this burger still delicious. Max replaced it with mushrooms and cheese processed like a piece of burger meat, plus a touch of green sauce.

“Visitors will feel worth it if they consume this as well as this menu can also be split so that people can eat sharing with their friends. Beside it, there are some Sweet Potato Chips and salads. In addition to this menu there is also a carbohydrate content, as well as fiber, water, and a vegetable mix. Surely no animal protein is in this burger,” said the graduate of Arnhem Business School Netherlands.

Not only that, the food menu offered by Burgreens were also quite delicious and enjoyed by many consumers, such as Burgreens Steak, which was a steak made of mushrooms provided with salad and broccoli. Popeye Veggie Wrap which is a vegetable roll of tortilla containing falafel, vegetable vegetables, and vegan cheese. If you are not satisfied with the tasty and healthy menu, you may try the assembly Yakitori which is another favorite meal in Burgreens. Yakitori is SATE that does not use basic ingredients. But this menu is equipped with tasty guardy, peppers, and onions. To feel, there is a source of sour acid made from the typical Burgreens Teriyaki sauce. Not from his wife, who was the main priority for max to open Burgreens, but he also noticed the food tool, such as a straw. Burgreens seemed to go in handling plastic use of the promotion of measuring Indonesia.

Proven when visiting Burgreens, you will feel the eco-friendly dining area. There is no plastic straw as you drink there is only a straw-made of bamboo. Soon for interview messages, Burgreens uses plastic made of cassava. The environmentally friendly plastic could be decomposed by itself in a faster period of compared to regular plastic. Carrying the concept of Green, Burgreens also provides a comfortable, green, cool, and unpolluted ambience. Like the branch in Tebet, they chose the location because it was directly dealing with the park, so there was a cool and beautiful atmosphere that supported the concept of the restaurant. So not just a healthy living-style with the menus offered by Burgreens, but also, we feel the importance of life without plastic waste. (Aldo)


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