Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 11:18 WIB

Wetonan, Birthday Celebration Tradition According to the Javanese Calendar


Jakarta, IO – Javanese society has many traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation.  One of them is Wetonan, a birthday celebration according to the Javanese calendar. It aims to ask for deliverance from misfortune.

Weton comes from the Javanese word “wetu” which means to come out or to be born. Every child born has a weton in the Javanese calendar divided into five, namely Pon, Wage, Legi, Pahing and Kliwon. For example, when a child is born on a Friday, and the weton is Pon, the celebration is held on Pon Friday in the month the child was born the following year, per detik, Saturday (15/7).

This tradition is unique because it is similar to a birthday. The difference is that the weton celebration is based on the Javanese calendar, where a month consists of 35 days.

Each region also has their own unique characteristics. Some celebrate it by meditating and prayer. Others hold big social events where people share stories and wisdoms.

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Traditionally, the wetonan tradition is usually marked with thanksgiving which begins with a joint prayer led by religious leaders.

The guests will sit cross-legged on a mat around a tumpeng (cone-shaped yellow rice served with side dishes). The rice is then shared with the guests and before the end of the ceremony they will pray over the host. (un)


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