Saturday, May 4, 2024 | 04:13 WIB

5 unique tourist destinations you can only find in Indonesia


Jakarta, IO – Indonesia’s natural beauty is well known and has drawn tourists from all over the world. From Sabang to Merauke, from mountains to oceans, all of them are unique and worth visit.

Here are five tourist destinations that only exist in Indonesia, as per Kumparan:

  1. Jellyfish Lake, Kakaban Island

Located in East Kalimantan and part of the Derawan archipelago, Kakaban has a jellyfish lake smack in middle of the island. For those of you who love snorkeling, you will have an unforgettable experience surrounded by hundreds of jellyfish that call the lake home.

Four species of jellyfish live in this lake, and one of them is very rare, that it can only be found in Kakaban and the island of Micronesia in the southeastern Pacific Ocean. All the jellyfish in this lake are non-toxic so you can dive with peace of mind.

Read: Lawu Mountain climbing trail, a mysterious path straddling two provinces

  1. Three-colored Lake of Mount Kelimutu

Located on the island of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, the uniqueness of this mountain is its crater lake at its peak which is known as a three-color lake, for its blue, red and white hues. However, the color of the lake can change over a period of time. According to researchers, the cause of random changes is the geochemical processes at the bottom of the lake that produce certain chemical substances in the water.


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