Thursday, May 2, 2024 | 15:50 WIB

Enjoy a meal with a scenic view of Jakarta from Social House Jakarta


IO, Jakarta – As a metropolitan city, it is not enough to only provide fast food restaurants for people who are super busy with diverse activities. Jakarta also needs a restaurant that can give residents a new oasis where they are refreshed from the heavy activity, not only filling the stomach, but can also provide some comfort for the eyes and soul. With this concept, more and more new restaurants in Jakarta are presenting new concepts to be more of an oasis in the middle of Jakarta that can provide a comfortable atmosphere amidst the hustle and bustle of Jakarta. The demands of a restaurant in Jakarta is now not only a place to eat, but it should also be a place to gather, share stories with friends, enjoy the different atmospheres of daily routines, and comfortable places to wait for congestion to subside.

One restaurant that tries to be an oasis for Jakarta residents is Social House located on the 1st floor of East Mall Grand Indonesia. This place is not just a restaurant, but also a bar and wine store. Visitors are not only young professionals, but also expatriates as well as families. Entering the Social House near Harvey Nichols East Mall Grand Indonesia, visitors will be greeted by a display of various types of wine neatly arranged in an open wooden rack. One special open room displaying wine. You are free to choose the preferred wine on the shelf. In another room, different kinds of wine filled the wooden shelves. Not only wine, rattan baskets and wood filled with colorful imported fruits also make this room look more fresh.

The interior feel so cozy with tree decorations and use of wooden tables and chairs aligned with the concept provided by Social House Jakarta. (photo: IO/Aldo)

Once you are inside, you are greeted by two entrances separated by the processing room of various types of drinks. Just choose the destination to Social House. If you want to enjoy a bottle of wine or other drinks, go through the door on the left side of the glass window overlooking the Hotel Indonesia roundabout. A wide selection of seats with different arrangements await you to make your selection. There is a choice of wooden chairs and also a sofa that you can choose from. If you want to enjoy a heavy meal, such as breakfast, lunch, or dinner, go through the door on the right side. Social House offers a diverse menu of food, from menu brunch to dinner available here.

In this place a number of shady banyan trees decorate the room. Cold air coupled with cool air layout with dim lights make visitors who come feel more comfortable. However, it is no surprise, once entering at lunch hour, rooms are crowded by visitors. If you come suddenly, you must be patient because you may need to line up waiting for visitors who come or place reservations in advance. At Social House, you need to book a place if you plan to eat there. The place is always full. So, first come first serve. In fact, this restaurant is open from 08.00 until 01.00.

And again, especially in the bar, many visitors can sit for hours enjoying a cocktail or beer while watching television programs on television. Kiki Utara, Head of Public Relations Ismaya Group who overshadowed Social House, said the concept was to provide a different atmosphere that makes Social House always full.

“The interior that uses materials from wood, foliage, and a direct view to Hotel Indonesia’s roundabout makes this place likeable by visitors who come to Social House”, he said.

As a restaurant that serves views and also menu brunch to dinner, it is really appropriate if you visit Social House during the weekend. As a Jakarta citizen busy with work activities sometimes you also have to calm the mind while enjoying the view of Jakarta city accompanied by a dish of delicious foods with family or friends. (aldo)


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