Saturday, May 4, 2024 | 10:31 WIB

Museum Visit: Through the heart of Dr. Yap


IO – In 2021, Dr. Yap Museum was chosen as the destination for a Mandatory Museum Visit by the Yogyakarta City Culture Office.

The Mandatory Visit to the Dr. Yap Museum Program is carried out by the Virtual Tour via Instagram @dinaskebudayaankotajogja which was broadcast on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, at 11.00 WIB and guided by the Manager of Dr. Yap Museum, continued with a video screening of the Museum’s historical collection which was broadcast on the same day at 20.00 WIB on the YouTube account of the Yogyakarta City Culture Service. Lucky participants get an intriguing gift from the Yogyakarta City Cultural Office.

Dr. Museum Yap, which was inaugurated by Sultan Hamengkubuwono X in 1997, holds important collections related to the development of ophthalmology, especially in Yogyakarta.

As Yetti Martanti, S.Sos, MM, Head of the Yogyakarta City Culture Service explained, this first edition of the Mandatory Visit to Museum chose Dr. Yap Prawirohusodo Museum on Jalan Cik Di Tiro (Dr. Yap Eye Hospital complex) Yogyakarta.

“In addition to the Dr. Yap Prawirohusodo Museum being a member of the City Museum Forum, we are also trying to promote it,” she said.

Through this activity, it is hoped that Dr. Yap Museum can gain more recognition, so that it can increase interest in studying history and museum visits in the following years.

The Virtual Tour and Video Screening of Dr. Yap Museum not only displays the various collections in the museum but also another side of Dr. Yap in developing ophthalmology in Indonesia, especially in Yogyakarta.

What makes it more interesting is the life story of Dr. Yap through the testimony of KRT Pakukusumo, the grandson of Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII, who was his patient in the 1920s.

From the Mandatory Museum Visit, we can get to know more about Dr. Yap and his contribution to the world of health and ophthalmology in Yogyakarta.

Mandatory Museum Visit is a routine held annually by the Yogyakarta City Culture Office. Before the pandemic struck, the Mandatory Museum Visit was carried out directly by inviting school students to visit museums in the city of Yogyakarta to get to know various museum collections and the historical stories behind these collections.

This year, due to the ongoing pandemic, the Yogyakarta City Culture Office arranged video screenings and virtual tours.


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