Tuesday, May 7, 2024 | 23:06 WIB

Galeri Indonesia Kaya holds the first online exhibition


IO, Jakarta – Galeri Indonesia Kaya always introduces and brings people closer to Indonesian culture through various inspirational offerings in the form of art exhibitions. Art lovers can also access various articles, photos, and videos through www.indonesiakaya.com and various social media channels. Through the Indonesia Kaya YouTube account, art lovers who access the #dirumahaja movement can still enjoy the beauty of Indonesia through various shows. 

In celebrating the 75th Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, Galeri Indonesia Kaya reinvites art lovers to celebrate independence by dancing through the Creative Space: Patriotic Virtual Jazz Dance Class, featuring familiar Jazz dances with techniques and dance styles of broadway performances, selected and combined with patriotic themes and the spirit of love for the country. 

“We initiated the #MenariDiRumahAja program to invite art connoisseurs to develop creativity and be more active without leaving home. The registration, which was opened since August 16, received an extraordinary response. For the first time, we are holding a virtual dance class that anyone, even those without basic dance skills, can participate in. Through this, art lovers can get to know various types of dances. Dancing is also good for the body, improves mood, and reduces stress, so let’s dance!” Said Renitasari Adrian, Program Director of Galeri Indonesia Kaya. 

Creative Space: This Patriotic Jazz Virtual Dance Class will be taught directly by Rusdy Rukmarata who is also the founder and choreographer of EKI Dance Company. The virtual dance class, which was held today at 16.00 WIB through Zoom, graphed dance video to the accompaniment of Kopral Jono’s song. 

“For my choreography, the concept takes the characteristics of Free Jazz Style and takes daily movements, such as walking, looking, nodding in a very natural rhythm. I arrange in such a way that the participants can follow the guidelines I have provided, even for those who do not have basic dancing skills,” said Rusdi Rukmarata.

For 60 minutes, 50 selected participants followed the choreography with enthusiasm. The selected participants consisted of ages from 7 to 50 years of age. The origin of the participants also varied, starting from Makassar, Manado, Magelang, Surabaya, and others. 

Galeri Indonesia Kaya has also been active in inviting the public to keep moving actively with #MenariDiRumahAja through Creative Space: Nusantara Dance Classes since the beginning of the pandemic in Indonesia and the enactment of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). With guidance and direction from professional dance coaches like Alm. Gugum Gumbira Tirasondjaja, Elly Luthan, CIOFF Indonesia, Gema Citra Nusantara, art lovers can easily follow traditional dance movements which can be accessed on the IndonesiaKaya Youtube channel. 


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