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The body’s three meals a day requirement includes fruit


Jakarta, IO – In order to sustain health and fitness, our food should contain both macronutrients and micronutrients, composed of carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, obtained from a varied mix of foodstuffs. Through their “Isi Piringku” (“Fill My Plate”) campaign, the Ministry of Health reminds us that an optimal composition for each meal portion is one third carbohydrates and starches, one third animal and vegetable proteins, and one third fruit. 

However, it is completely different in the field. People in Indonesia frequently just stuff their faces and stomachs until they feel full, without caring about the diversity of their food groups. “A lot of our people eat instant noodles on top of white rice. That’s carbohydrate on top of carbohydrate – no protein! It’s no wonder that many of our citizens are slow in the head and action. Other than for fueling our activity, we need to make sure that we ingest sufficient macronutrients and micronutrients, to keep immune from illness,” warned dr. Diana F. Suganda, Sp.GK, M.Kes, in Buavita’s “Ayo Minum Buah” (“Let’s Drink Fruit”) held on Monday (01/08/2022). 

Fruit consumption is strongly related to a person’s physical immunity. “Everyone has different immunity systems. They are affected by genetics, the environment, age, and lifestyle – whether or not you consume nutritious food, and whether or not you routinely engage in sports. This is where fruit comes in. Its vitamin, mineral, fiber, and antioxidant contents build up and optimize our immunity,” dr. Diana said. 

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How much fruit should we ideally consume in a day? 

“Three portions a day – once every breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Consume 1/6 of a plate of fruit for each meal. You can also have fruit as between-meal snack. Make sure you eat vividly-colored fruit like papaya, orange, or watermelon. To get the most benefit, don’t peel apples and pears. If we’re pressed for time, we can consume fruit juice instead. However, always read the label! Choose one with minimum sugar content, because adults should consume a maximum of 50 mg of sugar a day,” she answered. (est)


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