Monday, May 6, 2024 | 13:31 WIB

Teachers Community urges less reliance on gadgets


Source: Priv. Doc.

Nanda stated that teachers are expected to be adept in using technology to positively guide students in using gadgets, for example, giving assignments requiring technology. Teachers can elaborate on many things by utilizing technology. A teacher who understands the use of social media will build more connections with their students. 

Not only using the latest technology: modern teachers must also be able to instill pleasure in the learning process, to inspire students’ critical thinking skills and creativity. Teachers also need to arouse students’ empathy, while instilling proper manners and social skills. 

Ana Susanti, founder of Rumah Guru BK and Widyaiswara Kemendikbud, Research and Technology RI, mentioned the results of a survey conducted on Italian children aged 6-18 years by Gregoria Serra, Unit of Pediatrics, Campus Bio-Medico University, Rome, Italy in July 2021, confirming that there has been a shifting of purpose in using smartphones among teenagers during the COVID-19 pandemic, compared to previously. 

Children and teenagers use smartphones for peer connection, learning purposes, and entertainment. However, there was a significant increase in overexposure, overuse and addiction. Following the pandemic, the number of children addicted to gadgets has increased. 

Ana Susanti added that educators must stay alert to the potential risks of using smartphones inappropriately. “Several roles of Counseling teachers are monitoring, working with parents, seeing possible threats, and recognizing early signs and symptoms of addiction,” said Ana. 

“Collaboration is the key in monitoring. Counseling teachers need to intervene and prevent or reduce the detrimental impact of excessive gadget use on children and teenagers’ health. Ana concluded that the focus is on maintaining good physical and psychological development and healthy social relationships,” Ana concluded.


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