Sunday, May 5, 2024 | 13:37 WIB

TB Attacks Other Organs


wearing mask
Wearing a mask reduces the risk of contracting Covid-19 and TB. (IO/Dumaz Artadi)

Endometrium TB 

This type of TB attacks the endometrium, the inner layer of the womb. Infection occurs through blood flow from other organs that are already infected. It is rarely diagnosed in time, if at all, because it frequently causes unspecific symptoms and it tends to be asymptomatic in nature (i.e. the person is positively infected with the illness, but they do not show any clinical symptoms whatsoever). 

However, if a woman suffers from symptoms such as hip pains, abnormal menstruation cycles, genital bleeding, abnormal discharge of white mucus in the genitals, or postmenopause bleeding, she should undergo a USG trans vaginal check, endometrial tissue biopsy, curettage, a n d hysterosalpingography (X-ray of the wombusing safe contrast-creating fluids) to discover whether or not they suffer from an infection of the TB bacteria. 

Read: Beating cardiovascular disease: a matter for every beating heart

Treatment for endometrium TB is the same as for lung TB, with a minimum duration of six consecutive months. Different courses of therapy are required for different conditions. (est)


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