Saturday, May 4, 2024 | 12:39 WIB

Mitigate knee pains without any operation


“OA is incurable. However, it is controllable. This means that by undergoing regular and careful treatment, sufferers can continue to perform their daily activities without suffering from constant pain. Procedures will be adjusted according to a patient’s specific condition.

Basically, the therapies administered are meant to reduce pain and inflammation, as well as accelerate tissue regeneration, using varied physical modalities and regenerative therapies like prolotherapy, platelet-rich plasma therapy, or secretum therapy. By preventing the disease from worsening, pain will be reduced and the patient will have a better quality of life,” dr. Reggy informs. 

Meanwhile, dr. Arief Soemarjono, Sp.KFR, FACSM, Chairman of Medical Committee Flex-free Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Clinic, reminds and emphasizes that the legs and feet are like a second heart. Along with the spine, the arms, and the hands, they are extremely important in our daily movements. 

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“A major risk factor in joint pain is activity, especially those that burden the muscles, bones, and joints. The pain can be reduced using oral medication, injection therapy, physical training, or using assisting tools. Diseases in the muscles, bones, and joints are not related to diet, but to intensity and frequency of physical activities.

It is most important to detect this type of illnesses early by self-screening, because genetic inheritance also matters – for example, you will have a higher possibility of suffering from knee pains if other members of your family’s earlier generations suffered from them. Maintain an ideal weight to prevent burdening your knees too much,” he warned. (est)


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