Friday, June 21, 2024 | 21:56 WIB


KPPS Chairman stab himself in the stomach; Allegedly stress thinking about inaccurate vote count

IO, Malang - Motive behind the desperate action of Subali, Chairman of KPPS no.07 Lesanpuro, Kedungkandang Subdistrict, Malang City, that ends with stabbing his own stomach was still a mystery. But there are suspicions, victims of stress...

Turns out in 2014, an exclamation for People Power was also shouted by Jokowi’s side

IO, Jakarta – In 2014, an exclamation for People Power was shouted by Jokowi’s side. This was stated by Eggi Sudjana, a politician from PAN Party, who is currently a suspect in the case of alleged...

Neutrality of the Election committee are in question

IO, Jakarta - With many indications of fraud in the 2019 Election that seemed to be overlooked by the election organizers, namely the KPU (General Elections Commission), Bawaslu (Election Supervisory Agency) and Panwaslu (Election...

‘Mutilate’ Prabowo-Sandi Victory, 6 Survey Institutions Reported

IO, Jakarta - Survey institutes that have long been considered effective in influencing public opinion to support one of the presidential candidates before the election, and are again used by incumbent candidate Jokowi-Ma'ruf to...

KPU given ultimatum to remove 17.5 million “problematic” voters from DPT list

IO, Jakarta – Two weeks ahead of the general election, the Prabowo-Sandi National Campaign Team (BPN) have demanded the General Election Commission (KPU) to keep their promise of finding a solution to the mysterious...

Tempted toward fraud, Indonesia needs foreign election monitors

IO, Jakarta – The popularity of the hashtag “SOS, INA Election Observer SOS” on social media is proof that Indonesia needs election monitors from outside the country. The appearance of the viral hashtag was...

KPPS Officer was found hanged in the forest

IO, Jakarta - An officer in the Voting Organizers Group (KPPS) was found rot in the forest. Luhut Ferry Parsaoran Aritonang was mysteriously killed after 5 days was declared lost. It turned out that Luhut Ferry Parsaoran Aritonang...

2019 is the election year where people gets imprisons the most

IO, Jakarta – The 2019 General Elections which claimed to have many victims, now the Voting Organizers Group (KPPS) victim have reached up to 500 people, which is a bad record for this year's...

Hundreds of KPPS personnel pass away; Doctor ensures no one can die of exhaustion

IO, Jakarta – The 2019 elections has become an event for mourning. In the history of general elections in Indonesia, only now have hundreds of people passed away working for the elections, starting from...

IDI says exhaustion not main factor in KPPS deaths

IO, Jakarta – The Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) has stated that the deaths of 583 Voting Organizers Group (KPPS) personnel were not the sole result of exhaustion. IDI Chairman Daeng M. Faqih stated that...

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