Tuesday, June 25, 2024 | 13:03 WIB


BPN reports suspicion of electoral fraud to Elections Monitoring Agency Civil Servants in 23 provinces mobilized to support incumbent

IO, Jakarta – The Committee to Elect Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno (Badan Pemenangan Nasional Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno – “BPN Prabowo-Sandi”) visited the offices of the Republic of Indonesia’s Election Monitoring Agency (Badan Pengawas Pemilu –...

Bawaslu: KPPS in 4,859 voting stations not neutral

IO, Jakarta – Bawaslu (Election Supervisory Body) Commissioner Afifudin has stated that KPPS (Voting Organizers Groups) are sworn to be neutral and independent in carrying out their duties. However, Bawaslu recorded thousands of KPPS in various voting...

Data entry error to KPU’s voting count system; This is not human error but human order?

IO, Jakarta – Viral photos and videos showing incorrect voting data entries in the KPU (General Election Commission) Counting Information System (Situng) has caused the public to ask whether the mistakes which led to a decrease in...

KPU is involved in systemic crime

IO, Jakarta – Following the “quick count” results, ostensibly handing the election to presidential candidate number 01, those Indonesians who wanted change have united in fighting against the tyranny carried out by the election organizers, using proof in...

Verbal autopsy to determent the death-cause of hundreds KPPS officers

IO, Jakarta - Minister of Health, Nila F Moeloek said that will carry out a series of verbal autopsy to the Voting Organizers Group (KPPS) officers who died. What does verbal autopsy mean? Nila said...

Four KPPS and one Panwascam personnel in Bali die, KPU asked for medical report

IO, Bali – The total Vote Organizer Group (KPPS) personnel in Bali who have died has now risen to four people. In addition, Sub-District Election Supervisory Committee (Panwascam) personnel, I Gede Artana (52) in...

If Jokowi has won, why reject a fact-finding team?

IO, Jakarta - Head of the Democratic Party's Advocacy and Legal Aid Division Ferdinand Hutahaean has formally requested the General Election Commission (KPU) to delay the announcement of the official election results originally scheduled...

Rizal Ramli: Election fraud has been going on since 2014

IO, Jakarta – Economist Rizal Ramli has stated that the fraud committed by Jokowi Widodo’s side during the 2019 general election has been extraordinary. The fraud, which has been carried out structurally, systemically, and...

Bawaslu is being pressure by various sides to form a fact-finding team regarding mysterious death cases that afflicts hundreds of election officers

IO, SOLO - A number of people who are members of Gabungan Presidium Rakyat Bergerak (Gaprak) held a peaceful demonstration at the office of the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) in Solo City. They urged...

Invisible cheating: The worst KPU performance in the history of elections

IO, Jakarta - There is so much fraud that have occurred in many regions and in many foreign countries that have been pointed out by numbers of national observers who demanded honest and fair...

Prabowo: I am and I shall be President for all Indonesians

IO, Jakarta - Presidential candidate number 02 Prabowo Subianto managed to subdue the confusion of his shocked supporters who were treated to “quick count” results of several survey institutions close to the incumbent, which...

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