Friday, June 28, 2024 | 04:11 WIB


National Library to build 10,000 libraries in villages to develop good reading habits

The National Library of Indonesia (Perpusnas) plans to build 10,000 libraries in villages across Indonesia to foster reading habits in the community.

Foreign affairs observer on Indonesia’s diplomacy under Prabowo

Ian Wilson, political observer from Murdoch University in Australia, assesses that the direction of Indonesia’s diplomacy will continue to prioritize balance by implementing free and active foreign policy under the presidency of Prabowo Subianto.

Indonesia moves up four spots in FIFA rankings

The Indonesian national men’s football team rose four places to 142nd, from previously 146th in the FIFA rankings.

Indonesia, Oman to cooperate in counter-terrorism initiative

Indonesia and Oman continue to strengthen bilateral relations, including in the field of security, particularly counter-terrorism.

668 polling stations to rerun election

The General Elections Commission (KPU) will conduct repeat polls in five regencies/municipalities in four provinces. KPU chairman Hasyim As'syari said this was due to several reasons, per Okezone, Thu (15/2).

PPLN denies obstructing voting process in London

Jakarta, IO - Overseas Election Committee (PPLN) London responded to a viral video which portrayed a group of Indonesian citizens in Great Britain and Ireland were hampered in exercising their right to vote on...

Bawaslu: most hoax content directed at presidential pair No 2

The Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) said candidate pair No 2, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka, have been victims of cyber violations, ahead of the February 14 polls.

KPU invites election organizers from overseas to observe Indonesia’s elections

The General Elections Commission (KPU) invites election organizers from other countries to witness the vote counting in the 2024 elections.

Govt temporarily blocks budgets for several ministries/agencies to the tune of Rp50.14t

The Finance Ministry (Kemenkeu) has temporarily blocked the budgets of ministries and agencies as part of the automatic adjustment, amounting to Rp50.14 trillion in 2024, per Kompas, Tue (13/2).

Bawaslu Jakarta to conduct cyber patrol to ensure no online campaign during cool-off period

Entering the cool-off period before voting day, the Jakarta Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) will carry out cyber patrols in collaboration with the Communications and Information Ministry (Kominfo) to ensure that no party is campaigning on social media, said the agency’s commissioner Quin Pegagan, per Kompas, Mon (12/4).

Jokowi administration completes hundreds of national strategic projects between 2016-23

In total, the national strategic projects (PSNs) are worth Rp1,515.4 trillion. Coordinating Economic Ministry's deputy for coordination of regional development and spatial planning Wahyu Utomo said the 109 projects consist of 10 PSNs in 2017, 32 in 2018, 30 in 2019, 20 in 2020, 24 in 2021, 25 in 2022 and 37 in 2023, per CNN Indonesia, Thu (8/2).

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