Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 19:13 WIB


Sapuangin team wins second place for Autonomous Programming at 2021 Asia SEM

IO, Surabaya - The Sapuangin Team of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya, has again made a world-class achievement. In developing track lines and driving schemes through programming, the proud ITS team...

1st place in Business Case Competition for UGM

IO, Yogyakarta – A Student Team from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Gajah Mada University, was awarded first place in the HSBC Business Case Competition, announced on April 1. The team, consisting of...

Farhan Dirhami scores in international public speaking competition

IO, Bogor - Muhammad Farhan Dirhami, a student of IPB University, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, was selected as the 2nd winner of the Open International Speech Competition, held...

Unpad students’ cloth masks best innovation in international arena

IO, Bandung - The Covid-19 pandemic has had another crucial impact. The widespread use of medical masks and disposable masks has contributed to an increase in medical waste and environmental pollution. Even though there are...

Sorghum Tourist Village wins 2nd in Agriverse International

IO - Yogyakarta - The Andeska student team from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta has secured an international achievement in the “Agriverse: Finding Solutions for Future Sustainable Agriculture” event held by the International Association...

ASTOR: an automatic offshore fish farming design

IO, Surabaya - As a maritime country with a sea area of 3.25 million square kilometers, Indonesia has tremendous potential, one aspect of which is in the form of offshore fish farming. To optimize...

Padjadjaran U. takes two awards at Moot Court Competition

IO, Bandung - Students of the Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University won awards at the 18th Annual Willem C. Vis (East) Moot Court Competition which was held last March 14-21. It is the most...

UNS wins 2nd place in 2021 CONSTRAIN

IO, Solo - Three students of Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta, Central Java, have made another achievement at the national level: Ryan Ferza Ramadhan, Marcellinus Abellard Arioseto and Muhammad Iqbal Sulistyo from the Industrial...

Unpad Geophysics students win 2nd at IUGC ITB

IO, Bandung - Three students of the Geophysics Study Program, Padjadjaran University (Unpad) won second place in a scientific writing competition at the “International Undergraduate Geophysics Competition (IUGC)” virtual event held by the Geophysical...

International Pencak Silat victory for Zidni Rahma Amaly

IO, Solo - Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta received a beautiful gift on the commemoration of its 45th Anniversary. One of the most meaningful prizes is the achievement of Zidni Rahma Amaly, a student...

Tirta Ankara team designs integrated, automated agricultural system

IO, Jakarta - Four students of the Faculty of Engineering University of Indonesia, members of Tirta Arkara, have designed an Automated Integrated Aquaponic (AIA) Greenhouse System, known as “aquaponics”, combining a plant cultivation system...

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