Monday, June 17, 2024 | 20:04 WIB


Palapa Wetan team takes win in Venezuela

IO, Yogyakarta UGM students from various disciplines – Vincentius Adven Brilian (Mechanical Engineering 2019), Saeful Ghofar Zamianie Putra (Geophysics 2019), I Putu Fadya Rachmawan (Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology 2019), I Putu Mahendrayana (Economics...

Banapeel, breast cancer screening products from Unair students

IO, Surabaya – Universitas Airlangga (Unair) students have scored yet another brilliant international achievement. This time, five Unair Faculty of Nursing (Fakultas Keperawatan-“FKp”) students won a bronze medal in the 2021 Bangkok International Intellectual...

Recalling the struggle of Soekarno

IO - June is known as the “Month of Soekarno” since the first President of the Republic of Indonesia was born on June 6 – added more sentiment to June, President Soekarno constructed the...

National Education Month, Sampoerna University & Danacita facilitate funds for education

IO - Defined as more than just a celebration, National Education Day is an important moment for one of the best international standard higher education institutions in Indonesia, Sampoerna University, working together with the...

UNS takes three golds in 2021 International Virtual Pencak Silat Championship

IO, Solo The Surakarta Sebelas Maret University (UNS) contingent successfully won three gold medals in the 2021 International Virtual Pencak Silat Championship which was held May 17-19. The championship commemorated the 45th Anniversary of...

Artificial intelligence, the UCiFi team’s waste handling solution

IO, Surabaya Industrial waste generally contains hazardous substances that can pollute the environment and have an impact on human health. In view of this, three students of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS)...

Yoses Rivano & Shera Cynthia victors in 11th UiTM Dental Symposium

IO, Jakarta Yoses Rivano Bakara and Shera Cynthia Islami, students of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia, class of 2017 won awards at the 11th UiTM Dental Students’ Scientific Symposium, which was held...

UGM Safari team takes win in Petrolida 2021

IO, Yogyakarta - Petrolida, an international competition organized by the Society of Petroleum Engineers of Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya was held again in 2021. Those students of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta...

ITS Spektronics defends title in International Chem-E-Car

 IO, Surabaya - Having to take a hiatus from participating in the Chem-E-Car competition for almost a year due to the pandemic, the proud team of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya,...

FEB UI Voir Team takes 2021 National Brandstorm

IO, Jakarta - The Voir Team from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) University of Indonesia (UI) consisting of Michael Abraham Hukom, Muhammad Hanif Permana and M. Alif Rizkia (students of management study...

Ksatria Comm Air achieves Sustainable Relations through Dialogue

 IO, Surabaya - Three students majoring in Communication Studies Universitas Airlangga (Unair) Surabaya secured another notable achievement in the Ajisaka Festival 2020+ held by Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta. Through their research entitled “Environmental...

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