Thursday, May 9, 2024 | 04:25 WIB

Cases of arresting opposition figures threatens democracy


IO, Jakarta – The arrest of several figures accused of treason is seen as threatening freedom in a democracy that is now being built. This can also cause negative suspicion towards the police.

Human rights activist, Hermawanto said, the rapid movement of the police to arrest the leaders could arouse suspicion among the people. This is because the arrested are figures from the opposition side.

“In my opinion, this is an excessive measure, threatening the freedom of expression and democracy that we are building. The police action raises a negative suspicion, especially against the government’s political opponents,” said Hermawanto.

Hermawanto, who is also the Director of the Indonesian Constitution School, also cited the arrests made by the police before the actions of 212 and 214.

“Just look at the figures captured before the actions of 212 and 214, while arrests continue to be made in political moments and mass actions to fight for their political rights,” he explained.

Hermawanto said, even though the police had the right to examine and question figures, he urged the authorities to avoid using treason reasons. Because this can remind people of the New Order era.

“Even though the police have the right to examine every person, it seems to me that the use of the reason for treason should be avoided. Don’t let the community feel like reviving the subversion article in the New Order era,” he said. (dsy)


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