Thursday, May 2, 2024 | 20:52 WIB

Ghost List of Legal Voters (DPT)


IO, Jakarta – The Director of IT in BPN, Agus Maksum, explained that the ballooning of hundreds of votes in one DPT in many regions seemed to confirm 02 faction’s anxiety, which demanded that the KPU eliminate 17.5 thousand problematic DPTs; until the election began the KPU hadn’t resolved this situation, till there was no final DPT. “We found so many ghost DPT, where tens of thousands alleged voters had the same date of birth (19 thousand). For example, we found 4 TPS with 220 DPT with the same date of birth; if we’re sane who would accept this kind of farce? There are also DPT who don’t have Family Cards (KK), DPT with false ID card (KTP) which are not fixed. So if they (KPU) said the name matched with the date of birth because they forget that the date of birth is false it’s definitely lies on their part; we’ve checked this matter with the Dukcapil because they have different dates of birth. This proves that the KPU are not doing the research and proper matching (coklit),” he explained.

Agus repeatedly told the KPU not to have any intruders who could hack the people’s votes so they could be changed according to the interest of who ordered it.  He also explained that the counting system (Situng) KPU does not have ISO 9001, so it’s not surprising that so much fraud could happen. He said that the findings from 9 DPT in one TPS recognized by RT heads who had served for 12 years were only 4 people, while the other 5 were not clear (ghost DPT). “This confirms the suspicion of the existence of ghost voters. We report in East Java, problematic DPT and invalid votes reach 7.6 million votes, but in truth 5.2 million of these votes are questionable. In Nganjuk, more than 50% of the voters had fake ID, fake family card (KK) so the TPS did not have c7, which led to KPPS officers to refuse to sign the election results,” he said. (Dan)


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