Sunday, May 5, 2024 | 00:51 WIB

Mitigate knee pains without any operation


Jakarta, IO – Injuries may occur any time, any place – when exercising, playing sports, working, performing physical hobbies like dancing. In fact, even walking involves a risk of injuries. The knee is a risky body part, even during common physical activities like standing up, sitting down, walking, running, or jumping. 

Basketball, badminton, tennis, are all high-risk sports. Dancing and gardening are also high-risk activities that people tend to underestimate, especially since they involve a lot of semi-squatting for prolonged periods. Injuries when walking tend to happen unexpectedly, specifically when walking on uneven surfaces, when climbing up or down a set of stairs, or when ascending or descending slopes. 

“Knee injuries might occur in the ligament, cartilage pad (meniscus), knee cartilage, or muscles. Determining which parts get injured is extremely important, because it will direct us to the correct procedure. Doctors generally perform anamnesis, physical checks using USG, X ray, CT scan, and MRI.

USGs are not only used to check pregnancy nowadays – they can be used to check the condition of other parts of the body, including the knee. USG’s advantages include not needing special space, there is no radiation, and the patient can undergo it when they consult their doctors.

This will help direct doctors in taking the next step, such as determining whether an injection will be necessary or not,” explained dr. Ferius Soewito, Sp.KFR, AIFO-K, medical rehabilitation specialist from Flex-free Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Clinic, in a media meet held on yang Wednesday (24/5/2023). 


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