Monday, May 6, 2024 | 03:32 WIB

Coffee, light meals, and pine trees


Jakarta – Coffee is one of the finest commodities in Indonesia; every city has its own distinctive coffee scents; therefore it is no wonder it always has a special place in people’s hearts. Look across the country, and you will likely encounter plenty of coffee shops, from simple sidewalk stalls to fancy coffee shops, especially in big cities.

Tired of the metropolitan bus­tle? On the weekend you can take a break by moving three hours out­side Jakarta to the southeast, as one famous coffee shop is based in Bandung: Armor Coffee will delight you with its natural green shades and great food menu, as well as its pleasurable coffee flavor. The store is located near Djuanda Forest Park (Tahura).

You will be welcomed by a fine combination of lake beauty and forest breeze; here in this place you can ex­perience maximum pleasure in your mind whilst sipping a glass of coffee among the pine trees. Armor Coffee is best reached by driving yourself towards Dago Atas and immediately locating Djuanda Great Forest Park [Tahura].

If you arrive early in the morning, you can first go hiking through a deer farm, stroll through old Dutch and Japanese-era caves, have fun in a waterfall, just so afterwards you can rest up by enjoying a glass of warm coffee in Armor Coffee. Besides the great coffee offered, do not expect to find full meals around as they only provide various types of light snacks such as fried aci, fried bananas, fried cassava, or bitter ballen.

Entering the place, you can start to queue among other visitors and will be directly charged through the first payment system. Armor Coffee flagship brews are Robusta, Liberica, and Arabica, hence the price is fairly cheap i.e. ranging from only 10 – 15 thousand Rupiah per glass. Just for your information, this shop does not provide other beverages like cappuc­cino, affogato, or even latte art. Only pure coffee.

Armor Coffee is prominent with its manual coffee blend; therefore, several manual brewing options are available, such as V60, French Press, Flat Bottom, Moka Pot, and Ibrik. For a non-coffee person, you can choose green tea, oolong tea, and black tea, priced at only 10 thousand Rupiah. When I visited this place, I imme­diately fell in love with the natural scenery and such subtle surround­ings which I had never experienced before. Comfortable place and the natural green shades suddenly pro­duce serenity around my head and city hustles which were strongly embedded within my daily activities in the capital all vanish. This coffee shop has several dining table areas, including Lakeside, inside a wooden house, and among pine trees.

Despite always being crowded with visitors, the experience of enjoying a cup of coffee at Armor Coffee is quite fun for me. The employees showing such a familial atmosphere towards their guests perfectly adds up to great service. Therefore, Armor Coffee is an ardent composition of natural beauty and coffee.

Armor Coffee is open from 7:30 pm until 4:00 pm. It is best if you come around and try the great cof­fees whilst having your short stay in Bandung. As one of the great coffee stores with fine taste, Independent Observer highly recommends this place for everyone who wants to cher­ish the weekend with their family or friends. (Aldo)


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